Bringing People Together with Cucumber

So as a newbie trying to enter into the QA world, I've consistently heard "you've gotta know Cucumber!" What in the world is that? Well, firstly it is a skill that is in very high demand and for a very good reason. Cucumber is a testing framework driven by plain english and it serves to aid testing, documentation, and development. Simply put, it streamlines a company's workflow meaning: faster releases, more releases, better testing, and better development.

To me, of course, this is all theoretical. However, I have had to do technical work before (accounting and operations metrics) and serve managers, who to put it lightly, didn't understand anything I was doing. What happens is unrealistic deadlines and friction between the management expert and the expert of another field. I've even had a job where we lost tens of thousands of dollars in productivity waste. Now I can imagine what the problems could be between a programmer and a person whose expertise is something else. Cucumber reduces this problem as well using a wonderful little language known as Gherkin (which in English is a baby Cucumber).

How does it do that? Well this is better explained by examples. I'll give credit to this example to the Cucumber Book, the resource I am currently working through. Let's imagine that is an online retailer. My friend goes to testsite and she wants to buy some camping equipment. She goes and enters her credit card information, but instead of entering 16 digits, she enters 15 by accident. Now, we could just spit something back out that says "transaction error," but that isn't user friendly and people would get frustrated with our site and we would go bankrupt. We want to give the user something that will give an error message specifying what they did wrong, so they can fix it easily.

This something is commonly referred to a feature and luckily enough, it is called a feature in Gherkin. Features are the basic units of Cucumber. Features are items that address multiple scenarios described by the given, when, then syntax. Most importantly, the first step of this is written in plain english! There are also some other keywords that may help us like "but," "and," as well as a small list of other. So breaking it down:

  • We want a feature that tell us what went wrong when we enter incorrect card details
  • We want them to address different scenarios
For the sake of brevity, I'll do the one aforementioned scenario. My friend enters 15 digits and should get an error message. This is simply a scenario, but the feature will address multiple problems. The Feature will address a card that is expired, stolen, all kinds of other things. The scenario addresses a single case where something would go wrong. So how do we write this in Gherkin? It's rather intuitive:

Here's a blank example:



Given I am someone (you can add some place at some time)
When I do something
Then I expect this result

Ok so this is rather blank, how does that translate to our problem? Like so:

Feature: Feedback when entering invalid card information

    Given I have chosen some items to buy
    And I have entered my card details

  Scenario: Credit card number too short
    When I enter a card number that's only 15 digits long
    And all the other details are correct
    And I submit the form
    Then the form should be redisplayed
    And I should see a message advising me of the correct number of digits

Here Feature and Background apply to multiple scenarios. This one scenario addresses my friend's problem. However, what is really cool about this is that everything typed above goes into a .feature folder. This plain english language can be backed up by code, which in our case is a Ruby script. This means that cucumber is both a helpful tool to those who code and serves as a meeting table between the coder and the "layman."

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