Uploading files and testing popups with Capybara

So, I took on the task of testing my friend's file upload site. You can find that site here. It's a tool that allows you to upload a file and you will get a popup alerting you the file size in bytes.

When you go to a website and click something that allows you to upload a file, typically you'll get a GUI interface that interacts with your system to retrieve a file for you. However, requires a different set of tools because this means you now have to interact with your system rather than the browser. Luckily, Capybara has a wonderful method: attach_file. This method is simply amazing because it takes two arguments: the button style identifier you want to press that opens the system to attach a file and the file's path. Amazing. The method while in action would look like this:
attach_file("the-file" , 'file path')

So I ran this through cucumber and the test is well-designed, except I didn't know how switch Capybara from testing the browser to a popup window. Its really simple! Give your driver variable the method the "switch_to_alert" and Capybara will look at popups (officially know as alerts).

This shows how powerful a tool Capybara is. I feel like I'm practically speaking English to the computer and getting the computer to do amazing stuff for me.

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